Bulletin Dec 29 2029
First Parish Church Manchester by the Sea Dec. 29, 2024
First Parish Church Manchester by the Sea – a lovely place to start your week, join us for a moving message, beautiful music and community in the center of town –
Worship Advent, 10 AM with worship leader, “The Magnificat: A Song of Love” Rev. Katherine Schofield Mary Jane Rupert, guest pianist
Noel #2 (from ‘Six Noels’) –Marcel Tournier (1879-1951); Es Ist Ein Ros’ Entsprungen (It Is An Upspringing Rose) – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Prelude in E Major (from WTC, book 1) – J. S. B ach (1685-1750)
Noel Suisse – Louis-Claude Daquin (1694-1772)
Doxology, #780, NCH
Mary Jane Rupert has been a freelance pianist, harpist, and organist in the Boston area for the past 40 years. Holding degrees in music from Oberlin College and Indiana University, she also toured the Eastern US and Midwest as well as Thailand, New Zealand with flutist Peter Bloom.
Hymns Go Tell It on the Mountain, God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Scripture Reading Bethany Woods Psalm 148, Isaiah 52:7-10
Our Deacons are Nancy Peterson & Sue Parker
Our Greeter is Bethany Woods