Central to every Sunday Worship celebration is sharing our joys and concerns, and then praying together as a spiritual community.
We invite you to share your joys and concerns, and we will raise them in prayer during the Sunday service.
You can also choose to have your prayers appear here on our Prayer Wall.
(Prayers will show online within 24 hours and may be edited for privacy and length)
Please pray for Samantha, who was instrumental in my concussion recovery. May the medicine work on her infection, may her symptoms and pain decrease, may she find peace and patience, and may she know, deep in her heart, that she has positively changed lives of many concussed women.
Prayers for all caregivers.
Cheryl and Paul give thanks and appreciation for your prayers for our Denver daughter, who today received a clean bill from an arterial dissection that caused several trips to the Emergency Room.
For my fried Jamie, who is under 60, undergoing treatment for a recurrence of prostate cancer.
A dear friend, Becky, is in remission for her renal cell carcinoma (praise God) but just received the news that her annual mammogram was abnormal. She goes in tomorrow for repeat mammo and an ultrasound. Prayers for peace of mind, strength, and that she will feel the loving arms of our Father holding her throughout this scary time.
My sweet sister Mary Hall who has never recovered from her fall several months ago, then her husband David and she had to move to assisted living 5 months ago and where David died. She really needs prayers
Please pray for MaryEllen---for rest, for peace and comfort during this time of transition
Deacon John Feurbach's father passed away this morning in NY. Please pray for John and his family.
Teresa needs prayers to help leave sad memories behind.
Please pray for Zora Siebeking (Elzora “Zora” Siebeking, who has been battlling Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia since she was 7 months old April 2022).
Prayers, please, for my dear Auntie Margaret, who is suffering with numerous health problems as she nears the age of 100. Since the death of my parents, she has been so loving toward me. We have laughed numerous times about some of her memories of my father. How I have loved her stories. God bless her and hold her hand on my behalf.
I have two friends recently diagnosed with breast cancer who are undergoing procedures in the next 5-10 days. Praying for a really good outcome for both of them.
Prayers for Ehud in Israel near the West Bank. I met him a year or two ago (when he was in Boston on a scholarship) . For years, he and his organization The Villages Group have been making friends with Palestinians in their villages to break the cycle of violence. Now they witness violence and destruction by settlers and struggle to keep up their work of building bridges as they themselves are in danger.
Prayers for ongoing healing for George Nickless. We are in Albuquerque until late next week, then will begin the trip home (staying south / warm as much as possible).
What a joy to share out sanctuary with happy carolers and the young families during the 12 Days of Christmas! A new FPC tradition!
Prayers for Bob Graul had a recent fall and broke his elbow. He is home and comfortable but with use of only 1 arm
Update on Muriel: Thankfully, the cardioversion was succesful with just one shock. She has returned to Addison Gilbert Hospital.
Muriel was hospitalized at Addison Gilbert early October 17 with Atrial Fibrillation and the drugs haven't been succesful in converting her heart to normal rhythm so she'll be transferred to Beverly Hospital October 20 to have a cardioversion and then returned to Gloucester. Please pray that her shortness of breath and arrythmia will be successfully treated and she's not scared.
Prayers and tons of hugs for Mary Ellen and Jerry as Jerry transitions to life at the veteran's nursing home. May God surround them with his love and mercy.
This Prayer has been answered!
Bethany received Sep 14, 2023
Prayed for 7 times
Prayers for our neighbor in Christ, Fr. Paul Flammia of Visitation Church, who is recovering from a heart attack. Wishing him and his community of faith God's comfort and support during this difficult time.
Thanks to the Search Committee and to Reverend Katherine for hearing and responding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for our brother-in law Michael as he continues to battle Parkinson’s disease in Seattle.
Prayers for Nikki and Cary who lost their unborn baby at 8 months gestation. This child was very much wanted and loved. Such a huge loss to the parents.
Prayers for Cynthia A. Bell, who is in Burlington Hospital with pericarditis.
Please pray for all the settled pastor candidates and their families who applied to FPCC and are being interviewed.
Prayers for Coach Larissa who had emergency surgery due to life threatening bowel issues.
Barbara, the wife of my good friend Dallas, had emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. She has aspiration pneumonia too. She is 70. This couple very generously adopted a little girl, now 6-years old, and a boy 16, after raising 5 other kids. The whole family is in need of prayer.
For FPCC to more actively learn the needs of the community (and beyond) and collaborate to help fulfill those needs. In other words, for us to go to the people and not wait for them to come to us.
Prayers for Deirdre who moved to a new home in Beverly.
Prayers of gratitude to all the ministers and spiritual leaders who have filled our pulpit during these challenging transitional times. They have helped fill our spiritual needs and nurtured our cares and concerns.
Prayers for my dear friend who is in his last days.
Prayers for St. John's Prep in Danvers, who were terrorized by a "swatting" incident yesterday. This school has been through so much this year, with the murders and now this traumatic event. Be with the students and families as they process that terrifying afternoon, and be with the staff and adminstration as they lead this community through another incredibly difficult event.
Prayers for my sister-n-law Betty who is in hospice care now, and barely holding on. Her family are providing great support, but also are tired and need our prayers also.
Pray for all families of seniors who are navigating their journey and celebrating their graduation .
Continued prayers for Jerry in his recovery and Mary Ellen in her support mode.
Prayers for Yvonne van Drunen who passed last Friday 4/14 due to medical issues
Continued prayers for Sheila's recovery on her long road now almost two years. Prayers of gratefulness and thankfulness for the remarkable progress she has made in these two years.
George Nickless continued healing. A special blessing for all of her loving caretaking.
Prayers for P and G. They do not trust, dear Lord, that you are with them. Their difficult health news keeps coming. "Your prayers aren't working!" is their response. But our prayers are -- just not in the direct results of easing pain that they expect. Please, friends, help to surround them with God's love.
This Prayer has been answered!
Lauren received Feb 18, 2023
Prayed for 34 times
Please pray for my friend’s daughter, Ally, who was hit by a car, in the crosswalk, while walking her dog. She is alive but has a long road ahead of her. -broken wrist - surgery tbd -both kneecaps broken- left will need surgery right will heal on its own -3 fractures in skull -2 fractures in lower back -21 stitches across face but face still bleeding - concussion She’s headed in for mri now as she has a neck brace on. And they want to make sure that her neck is fine. Her dog has broken ribs and is cut up.
Prayers for Larry Kirby and George Nickless who have each recently lost their wives of 70+ years.
Please pray for my brother Robert who is confined to his bed and very lonely. His situation is greatly complicated by mental health and other issues.
Please continue to pray for Fran and Dottie Bachman
To find a settled pastor who keeps the Holy Spirit at the center of worship and life, and who energizes our community to eagerly participate in worship. And in turn, for the community to serve others as Jesus wants us to do.
This Prayer has been answered!
Jane received Aug 21, 2022
Prayed for 26 times
Please pray that the doctors find a cure for Gianna's hip displacement. Also, prayers for a dear friend who feels frightened and alone waiting for more treatments for cancer.
For the people of Ukraine, for Ukrainian refugees and for my friend who managed to save a suicidal Ukrainian, and found an apartment for another one.